Pet Dog Obedience Training

Offered at our Virginia (Hampton Roads) location or at your home (Chesapeake, Norfolk, Virginia Beach)

No matter the purpose of your canine companion- whether they are your best friend, walking buddy, backyard frisbee champion, couch potato, service companion, or a world class snuggler- Having The Right foundation with pet dog obedience is key. Obedience training builds a solid bond between the handler (you, the owner or your family) and your dog. Poor manners and bad habits, such as jumping on guests, pulling on the leash, barking inappropriately at neighbors, other animals, and even aggression from improper socialization are deeply rooted in poor obedience or due to having no obedience training whatsoever. All of our programs are customized to focus on the individual needs of you and your dog specifically. We don’t take a ‘cookie cutter approach’…we evaluate your canine companion, hands on, and your lifestyle to maximize the benefits you will receive from our World Class Canine Obedience Program. Like anything else out there, there are many theories on this subject- but we at Cobra Canine / Franklin Canine believe that if a dog is a member of your pack he or she should be an asset to your home and your life- not a liability or handicap. Consistency in training is the key – not just being nice and wishing for the best. Great dogs, just like great people, need training to become the best they can be- manners and sociability are learned, not given.


So you have a new Puppy (8 weeks – 6 months old) and want to give them the best start possible? We do a Complimentary Evaluation so we can give you and your new pup the life skills you both will need to work together as a team for the life of your pup. When you invested in bringing home this live creature – you not only opted in for the emotional and companionship value they will bring to your life, but also in their health, happiness and ability to well mannered with your friends, family, guests and neighbors for the next 7 to 18 years ahead.


Whether you have a puppy, a young dog or an older one (up to 10 years) we are here to help. Contrary to the old saying, it is Never too late to teach an old dog new tricks. If your dog is fearful of people, animals, or places, or whether they are aggressive towards other people, dogs or animals- we have been assisting some of the hardest cases for over 25 years. A Complimentary Evaluation is included so we can create a custom plan to get you and your pup ‘back on track’ to a healthy, happy life.


No matter the age of your adopted pet, whether they are a few weeks old or have been around the block already, we can work with you and them to integrate you both into a happy training program. We can assist with any bad habits they may have picked up in their previous homes or in shelter living and make sure you both end up on the same page- a Happy, Well Mannered one.


Even if your dog has all of the basics, we have many clients that come to us whom enjoy their pups and the training of their pups as a hobby or just for fun. If you are looking to advance your dogs obedience to the next level, to get them to have stellar off lead control, or you want to begin working your dog in other avenues they may be innately driven towards – such as tracking, detection, bite work, or Schutzhund, please contact us today. Our Training Options are endless and the possibilities for continued advancement of your dog’s skills as well as yours as the handler are immeasurable.


Bottom line is this…


Here at Cobra Canine / Franklin Canine – obedience is a fundamental part of every canine’s life – not just at the start, but progressing forward throughout life, also. People often ask us when we ‘finished’ training our dogs- or ‘how long’ does training take until it is over’- and while we believe what our dogs learn first, they learn best, we also believe that continued training and education of our furry companions is a necessity for them as well as us.

Call us today at: (757) 642-0072 or Email us at info@cobracanine.com to Set up your Complimentary Evaluation.

It’s never too late to start.